

Armstrong Devatec
Systemy nawilżania powietrza
Armstrong to producent z ponad stuletnią tradycją specjalizujący się w urządzeniach i armaturze do medium jakim jest para wodna. Efektywność energetyczna, niezawodność i innowacyjność zaproponowanych systemów są elementami wyróżniającymi tego producenta wśród konkurencji.


Many Enjoyable Experiences – Pure and Simple Solving problems with innovative and intelligent products is at the heart of what we do.

Making business refreshingly simple and pleasant for our customers is how we do it.

You’ll find intelligent system solutions from Armstrong at work in thousands of companies across dozens of industry categories from food and beverage processing and chemicals and refining, to health care, education, industrial manufacturing and more. Armstrong even owns and/or operates and maintains utility plants for Fortune 500 energy users.

While our solutions have evolved and expanded greatly over the 113 years we’ve been in business, our fundamental way of doing business has not.

We are steadfast in our core values that are centered on faith in God, faith in family and faith in business – in that order. We treat everyone we deal with – customers, business partners and employees – with respect, honesty and integrity. As a global company spanning five generations of family ownership, we’re passionate about sustaining the needs of future generations by sharing knowledge and working together to achieve universal goals such as conserving and saving energy.

As companies grow they can become complex and bureaucratic. At Armstrong, we empower our people to respond and take action. No waiting for a decision from someone in the corner office. That’s why we remain one of the swiftest and simplest companies to do business with on the planet.

It all translates to many more enjoyable experiences for you. Pure and simple.

Acquisitions, mergers and company name changes have become so prevalent in today’s business climate that employers and employees, as well as customers and their business partners, rarely form lasting relationships. We believe that continuity and consistency are key attributes for success at any organization.

Armstrong is proud to have been owned and operated by the same family for 110 years. It shows in our unwavering belief in and practice of our core values. It’s evident in the respect our employees show for one another. And it comes through in the passion we have for solving our customers’ problems.

Patrick B. Armstrong, president and CEO, represents the fourth generation to lead our global enterprise that encompasses more than 1,000 employees and manufacturing entities across three continents and in 12 countries. From the company’s humble beginnings at the turn of the 20th century in Three Rivers, Michigan, through a Depression-era slump, two world wars, a recession, and the untimely passing of David M. Armstrong, past president and CEO, the Armstrong family has provided vision, strong leadership, compassion, faith and steadfast values.

This legacy of leadership serves as a lasting foundation for Armstrong that will see the company through the next 110 years.

Partnerzy Biznesowi



ul. Obrońców Modlina 16

30-733 Kraków

+48 12 261 95 20

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